
Immunity:  the science of staying well

Immunity: the science of staying well

The defi nitive guide to caring for your immune system

von: Jenna Macciochi, Lyudmila Shaulina

10,99 €

Verlag: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber
Format: MP3 (in ZIP-Archiv)
Veröffentl.: 01.03.2022
ISBN/EAN: 4064067332289
Sprache: Russisch

Dieses Hörbuch erhalten Sie ohne Kopierschutz.


our essential handbook to staying well in the modern world

The immune system is your constant guardian, fighting around the clock to protect you from disease. There's a lot you can do to strengthen this first line of defense against all kinds of threats, from COVID-19 to cancer. Now, immunologist Dr. Jenna Macciochi gives us a crash course on how the immune system actually works—and how to keep yours in shape—with authoritative guidance on:
the best foods to eat to strengthen your immune system
the importance of movement, and how often to exercise
the essential link between immunity and sleep
its surprising connection to your mental health.
Дженна Маччиоки больше 20 лет исследует влияние образа жизни на иммунную систему. Она стремится приблизить науку к реальной жизни и делится советами о том, как стать здоровым — навсегда. Дженна живет в Брайтоне, читает лекции в университете Сассекса и является квалифицированным инструктором по фитнесу. Ее работы были опубликованы в изданиях The Times, Women's Health, Marie Claire, Glamour Magazine и Metro.

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